If you have any spare funds, should you consider overpaying your mortgage? With interest rates higher and savings rates elevated, what’s the right thing to do – overpay or save? One of the deciding factors will depend on your current mortgage rate. It may make sense to overpay if your mortgage rate is similar, or
The average quoted price of home insurance has rocketed by 25.7% year-on-year, according to the latest Consumer Intelligence price index. The average quoted premium for buildings and contents policies has now reached £212 per year, with Londoners facing quotes 49% higher than the UK average. The South East is the only other region to see
Forty years since critical illness cover first launched, the protection remains as crucial as ever. Peace of mind Critical illness cover pays out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a specified illness, such as cancer. This protection provides vital peace of mind for you and your family, making sure you can meet financial
If you’ve recently experienced life changes, you might wish to review your life insurance or consider taking it out for the first time. It may not be nice to think about, but planning now could ensure your loved ones are supported in the event of your death. Do I need cover? If you have financial